Happy Friday everyone! It’s about time I write another post about how amazing my friends are because my friends have been super awesome this week. Obviously I don’t have a friend named KCKS but rather it stands for Katie, Calla, Kacie, Sarah.

I got snapchat this week so that Katie and I could send shenanigans to each other. Which obviously we have. And she’s out in Cali this weekend enjoying her Labor Day. Which I’m so jealous of but we decided we’re going to start planning a just girls vacation. I’m excited. Other than that, I’ve been uploading all my thoughts about life on Katie. And she’s been super supportive and I seriously miss her so much. So we need to play our vacay ASAP!

I have also been snapchatting Calla (let me tell you that this is a big deal because I was totally against getting snapchat in the first place) pictures of my puppy constantly so she decides to move here sooner. She pasted the first round of interviews for a job by me so hopefully she gets it so we can move in together and do girly things like sit at starbucks all day.

I’ve finally seen Kacie again after a 3 week long hiatus she took do to a crazy boyfriend. Thank gosh that’s over because I literally never saw her. On Monday we both had off so we spent the whole day together grilling, going to the beach and then going to a bar for a few drinks. It was lovely. She and I vented about our love lives and how as soon as she graduates how we need to get out of this town.

My little sissy was the first one to snapchat me. She was so excited because she’d been begging me to  get it. I miss my sister tons…so I keep sending her pictures of my dog. She’s in her final year of college now (time goes so fast) and I think she may be moving down here after graduation…which would be pretty cool.

Anyway, go out and enjoy your Friday night. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
