Reflections and Goals

As the end of 2015 draws near, as well as my 25th year of life on this planet, I can’t help but contemplate how I’m no where near my original goals but even farther than where I thought I would be.

In my family, everyone writes the story of their life every quarter of a century. If I were on track, the story of my first 25 years of life would be written and I would be getting ready to live out my next 25. However, I’m still on chapter one- and that’s not even the good stuff yet. All year I’ve had writing my story on my to do list and somehow it never managed to get done. I’ve also blogged less this year than in years past and I’ve managed to post less on Facebook. So what’s happened and what have I been doing? I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting and a lot of living – and loving- my life.

Almost 10 years ago I created a book of dreams, goals and quotes. I keep the book pretty well hidden because whenever I find it I can’t help but sit down, read it and make a new entry. This is how I know how far I’ve come and how I’m not where 16 year old Star wanted me to be. 16 year old Star wanted to be married at 24. Alas, not only am I not married, I’m more single than ever! My other goals are silly in comparison but I ultimately hope to knock at least half of them off my list by the next time I have to write my life story.

So what have I learned in my short twenty five years of life? I have learned:
1. The love of God can get you through any trial.
2. Not all friends are meant to make it past one or two chapters of your story.
3. It’s all about perspective. When you change the way you look at things- the things you look at change.
4. Sometimes you just have to have wine and whine night.
5. Italian cookies are a food group and it’s OK if that’s your favorite food group.
6. Be careful who you make memories with- they last a lifetime.
7. Living alone means you don’t have to close the bathroom door.
8. You will always forgive your sister no matter how bad she hurt you.
9. Pets make everything better.
10. It’s OK if you can’t trust anyone but yourself.
11. You can’t just wish or pray for things. You need to work in harmony with your requests.
12. Your dreams and goals are worth pursuing.
13. You cannot please everyone and that’s ok.
14. Saying no to something means that you can give a better yes to something else.

That’s the short version/ outline of the story to come. I’ll keep you posted once I get past chapter one. As we look towards 2016 I can’t help but set a few goals for myself in the year to come.
1. No people for Maggie.
2. Lose 25 pounds.
3. Run at least one 5k.
4. Save money.
5. Set myself up to pioneer in 2017.

I wish everyone the best now and in the years to follow.
