Y’all – it’s been a LONG time since I’ve last posted (over a year, eek!). It’s also been a long time since I’ve updated this site. If you’re a “regular” around these parts, you may have noticed some tweaks when coming to this page – and my hope is that you’ll notice a few more […]
Author: Star
Stop 2: Barcelona, Spain

We landed in Barcelona at about 9pm and went through the usual process to grab my bag. Then we had to figure out how we were going to get to our Airbnb. This wasn’t like Ireland where we speak the same language, after all. Despite being a Spanish major in college, I haven’t had a […]
Stop 1: Dublin, Ireland

Ok, so like I was saying, we land in Dublin a little after 11pm local time, after having wasted the entire day due to United Airline’s plane issue. Then, because I checked that bag, we have to go down to baggage claim and wait until they finally get the plane unloaded. The bright side to […]
No Matter What it Takes

Hey friends! Happy Friday. It’s pushing 1am here but I just had to write. I haven’t written in awhile (blah!) but I’ve wanted to. Here’s the curveball though – I’m not going to apologize for that. You see, the other night for some random reason, I went to my blog and I started clicking on […]
Europe: The Introduction
Ok, now that I’ve been back home for two weeks now it’s time I sit down and review my trip to Europe. I wanted to get this done sooner but it’s funny how much you have to get caught up on when you’re gone for three weeks. So let me fill you in, from the […]
A Totally Different Life

Happy Wednesday friends! Third post in a row! Hooray! We’re off to a good start. Let’s talk about decisions and how incredibly true this quote is. Almost 4 years ago I wrote a similar article. Some decisions impact us in ways we can’t even comprehend, while other decisions are so weighed and calculated after considering all […]