Wanting to fly and not falling in Love

“How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” – Trina Paulu

Happy Wednesday readers!! I’m trying to be on top of my posting but sometimes I fall behind; please forgive me. There’s been so much going on lately. But no excuses.

Today’s quote. Where do I begin? Obviously I’m not in my dream career- and I’m not really even doing anything close to getting me there at this time. And that’s because, according to my best friend in the entire world…I fall in love. And I’m starting to really agree with her. Allow me to elaborate based on our conversation over the last few days…I want to make films and/or music videos. I have some experience and it’ s what I would like to continue doing. The summer after my junior year of college I filmed my full-length film. I had every intention of getting it done right away, submitting it and taking off after college to follow my dreams and at the very least move to Chicago where there would be more places for me to get the needed experience. But I fell in love. And it was great, don’t get me long. I think love is wonderful. But I didn’t grow. It took me almost two years to finish up the movie and another handful of  months to submit it to even one festival. All because I put my relationship in front of my career- something that I told myself I would never do. I always remember a Lady Gaga quote from Glamor magazine that helped me remember this,

Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.

Alas, I put love first. I’m at that crossroad again. Do I follow my career and my dreams and take a ton of chances, or do I stay in a state that I don’t love for a guy that I care about? I certainly know what Lady Gaga would say. Even though I know in my heart that my career should take precedence. That’s the tough thing about love- we all want to be desired so much that we are willing to give up so much to be wanted, valued and loved.

And I’m starting to think that’s stupid. Anyway, back to the conversation with Katie…she said that I should follow my career and if the guy was right and wanted to be with me that he wold follow me but that I wouldn’t put my dreams on the back-burner to make some guy happy. And she has a point. Hence the quote. I must want to have my own career, succeed and be famous so much that I am willing to hold off on falling around and staying in a place that doesn’t benefit me.

I think it’s time that I learn to fly. It may be hard but I’m going to give it my best effort.
