Confession, I started writing this article Tuesday, January 3rd of 2017 – almost exactly a year ago and apparently just stopped out of the blue. Out of respect for my creative juices, I’m going to publish that “draft” with my new post. **original content** Happy Tuesday loves! And Happy January! It has been a LONG […]
Oh my goodness, how did we already get to 2018? The last time I published an article was back in April. That’s almost 8 months ago. A couple years ago I tried to write a blog post each day in January and honestly, I think it was incredibly therapeutic for me. For those of you […]
The Value of Privacy
Y’all, I know, I know, it has been FOREVER since I last wrote. I mean, almost 13 months but who’s keeping track? Add this to the list of reasons why I would be no good at being a professional blogger. Seriously, where has life/time gone? Let me fill you in… Last I wrote I recapped […]
Recap: My month as a vegan
As you probably discovered by now, in January I challenged myself to write a blog post about a quote that I really like. It took until the beginning of March to complete as I only got about 20 of the posts completed in January. Regardless, I stuck to it and completed all 31 posts. In […]
31: the finale
Well, we made it. A little late, a little older, a little happier and only a few bumps and bruises. I know I didn’t finish this on time like I had hoped, but I got it done and didn’t give up when the month ended. I did the majority of the posts in January so that […]
30/31: No Need to Explain
Can I get an Amen to this?!? I can see there being a handful of arguments – like, “Well then enlighten me.” Nah, that’s not working anymore, because I’ve had enough stories twisted and turned and enough people have been hurt because of that. There are some people that you just can’t have certain […]