“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”

It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.
-Denis Waitley

Another Wednesday has arrived, and on hump day I like to think about how I can improve myself for the rest of the week. Ok, that’s a lie, I just like quotes and “words of wisdom” sounds best with Wednesday. Now you know all my secrets.
So I’ve been trying for a different shift or position at work lately. I didn’t get the shift bid but I wasn’t terribly upset, yes, it would have been more convenient but that would just be prolonging my time in a job I didn’t love. This forced me to realize that I would rather work hard and kick some butt at what I do and then be able to move to a different department. And I just have to keep that in mind.
Now, you ask, what does this have to do with the daily quote? Well, hold on because I’m getting to it. Drum roll please…
There are a handful of guys on my team who are really good at this job. I can talk to people like it’s no ones business, I’m going to treat you well and make sure you’re taken care of. I rock at that and I know this. What these guys are good at though is selling. They will find something that you need (or that they think you need) and they will push it on you. They will make you think that you can’t live without it. I know you can. I make offers but I’m not going to push you to buy it. And this holds me back. It holds me back from making tons of money, from moving to a new shift and potentially from getting to a department I really want to be in.
This quote applies to my life in other ways as well. But you’ll have to stay tuned to hear the rest!