Animal Rights

Ok, so I hate to have to do this but it’s time for me to step up on my soapbox and vent about something. It is something that is very near and dear to me and that is the treatment of animals.

For whatever reason, when humans injure or kill other humans and it is presented on the news I am hardly ever phased. But when someone injures or kills an animal- domesticated or otherwise, it breaks my heart and brings me to tears. I’m sure this has a lot to do with the fact that humans are able to speak and stand up for themselves and animals are not. They are trapped in whatever decision you make.

Today on Facebook I ran in to a few articles about people treating animals inhumanely as well as received a few emails to the same extent. The first one was about a turtle (I forget what kind but it was a large one) at a golf course in Wisconsin. The mama turtle was looking for a place to lay her eggs (this was seen by one of the golf course attendants early in the morning) when she was beaten with a golf club. There were holes in her shell and they even messed up her eye (she was rescued by the same attendant a few hours later). Her eggs were searched for but not found and mama turtle died shortly there-after. My main question is: how could someone do this?? The only redeeming aspect is that $1,000 is being offered for information related to the attack that will help them catch the attackers. Also related to turtles was an email my dad sent me. It talked about how people were taking the sea turtle eggs they were laid in the sand and that it was leading to the extinction of the turtles. It broke my heart to see pictures of people hauling away bags upon bags of turtle eggs. There has to be another solution to this problem…

The other terrible thing that caught my attention was about ducks and how amazon is allowing the sale of foie gras. First, this practice is terrible. Second, this is terrible. Get my drift? Basically, people are going to do what people are going to do but here’s what I want you to do: I want you to go here and make sure that Amazon isn’t supporting this cruel treatment anymore.

Like I said before, animal rights are incredibly important to me. They don’t have a voice and they need someone to be there for them. The worst is when animals are put down in shelters because no one wants them. Chances are it’s not the animals’ fault. They just want to be loved and taken care of. I have never in my life met a selfish animal. I have, however, met a buttload of selfish people. Every day I give my puppy kisses and let her know how much I love her. I wish I could take care of all the needy, injured, and homeless animals out there, but I can’t. So I’m counting on you to be a good person too and respect our furry (or feathery, ect) friends- and adopt from shelters.

Our happy little family. She’s a happy little pooch.
