“There would be no Gossip without Secrets”

Happy Wednesday darlings. And happy early 4th of July. I know I have a lot in store for this weekend. A group of my friends and I are trying to either go boating or camping or maybe just hang out at one of our places and play outdoor games. Either way, when my friends are involved, it’ll be a good time.

But let’s talk about this week’s quote. Yes, you’re getting another Gossip Girl one. And I have no doubt that it won’t be the last. With everything going on lately, this quote just seemed relevant. Yes, it’s a touch long, but it’s profound. I’ve found most Gossip Girl quotes are.

Gossip Girl: If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that there would be no gossip without secrets. You might be brave enough to reveal your secret only to have it used against you. Or someone else’s secret might effect you in unexpected ways. There are some secrets you’re only too happy to keep. Others surface only to be buried away deeper than they were before. But the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal. That once spoken change everything. But don’t worry, B. The brightest stars burn out the fastest. Or at least that’s what I heard. Waiting for a star to fall. XOXO —Gossip Girl

There’s been lots of secrets around here lately. Some good…and some, well some will wreck people and cause them to lose trust in those they care about most once revealed. It’s not a great situation, but it’s real life. Too bad people are just afraid of being honest or who they really are. I think this is because there is such a stigma about certain types of people that a lot of people decide it’s just better to hide the truth.

The good news is that the work drama is starting to calm down and there hasn’t been much gossip going on around here. At least not about me. At least not yet. Yes, not yet. There’s a bomb that I plan on dropping in the near future. Some people are already aware but I’m talking about the masses. I won’t hold out on you for too long though!

The reason I’m waiting you ask? Well, I want to make sure this one isn’t used against me. I want to make sure I have been absolved of my past sins before I proceed with the happiness I perceive before me.
