The First Day

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Really, today is the first day that I’ve ever been on my own. I lived with my parents, then I was in college, and then I lived with my boyfriend. Now I live with my dog in an apartment that I’m paying for by myself. All my bills are in my name and I get to decide what I want to do, what I want to eat for dinner and what I want to watch on TV. I also get to decide if I want to walk around pants-less or keep the bathroom door open when I pee.

I’m sure there’s a lot of people that wish they were in my shoes. Ah the single life! Ahh to be young without a care in the world and not have anyone depend on you! Ah the freedom! Yep, I have all of that. And for the first time I’m both excited about the possibilities and completely terrified.

My mother, sister and all my friends keep reassuring me that I will be fine. I know I will be fine. Life goes on. I just have to adjust – because I hate change. I hated when we remodeled our house in 5th grade. I hated when my mom moved from a big house to her condo. I just like comfort and knowing how things are.

There’s a lot of great quotes about change. And I pin all of them and write them down to remind me that change can be a really great thing. I stumbled across a really great article about living alone for the first time. You can read it here.

Anyway, this is going to be the start of an interesting adventure for me and my pooch. Like I said, it’s going to take some adjusting, so hopefully my friends will want to come over for dinner – because I hate leftovers. I’ll keep you all posted. I have a feeling I’m about to start blogging a lot more.
