January 12th : The Past

Ah, another quote chosen for a specific day, thanks dad…

thepastTotally legit quote though. And I should take my own advice! I’m only blaming my dad because he was a total poop when he was here last time. He told me that he hadn’t been to Iowa in the last 4 years because he was disappointed in me, yet never once did he tell me over the course of those 48 months that he was disappointed in me. Clearly I am carrying this with me or I wouldn’t be talking about it. But per this quote, if I just drop the extra baggage then it’s gone. How great is that?

Granted, there’s always the chance that someone else is remembering our embarrassing moment but chances are that people are to concerned with their own life to remember something silly that we did. I can honestly say that I remember no instances where my friends did anything embarrassing. I remember good memories with them but nothing that they probably remember as modifying. And that’s a good thing, right? That means that it’s really not worth it to dwell on something that you thought was the end of the world back in the day. That’s just one example of something not to carry with you but I think that’s a big one.

I’m sure this quote is referring to something such as crappy relationships, which you shouldn’t carry with you because it negatively affects everyone involved but it happens. But how great is it knowing that if you decide NOT to carry it with you, that it’s gone? That, my friends, is very liberating and we need to embrace every single second of it.

Because when we let go of the garbage of our past, we are that much lighter and freer and happier. In my opinion, it is better to drop the baggage of the past than be dropped as a friend because of your baggage. Just something to think about.
