“You can’t fight against who you are.”

Blair and NateBlair: When did everything get so screwed up? This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. I don’t know who I am anymore. I feel so—
Nate: Lost. Do you remember when you used to make us watch your favorite movies over and over again? Like Tiffany’s and Holiday. It used to drive me nuts.Well I finally asked you why you like watching movies you’ve already seen. And you know what you said?
Blair: I like knowing how things are going to turn out.
Nate: Exactly. Well growing up I never knew who I was supposed to be. So I’d spend all my time apologizing for the privilege and the wealth and the opportunities I felt other people deserved more than I did. Well you know what I finally learned? You can’t fight against who you are. And you are Blair Waldorf.
-Gossip Girl, season 2, episode 19

Happy Wednesday everyone! I decided to pick a quote from my favorite TV show of all time. Now, before you start judging me, I read all the books before the TV show came out (Yes, there are books, and I read them all- only the first episode and book are the same, everything else was different.) Either way, there are a lot of great quotes from the TV show, this being one of them.

I included most of the quote but the part that I like the most is the last part spoken by Nate- because it totally relates to my life. I have been given a lot of wonderful opportunities and have never in my life had to worry about money. And sometimes I do apologize for it. I apologize because people I’m around make me feel bad for the opportunities I’ve been privileged enough to experience. But the truth is, I’m only sorry that they didn’t get to have them as well- I’m not at all sorry that I was able to take advantage of the opportunity.

I have traveled the entire country with only a few states that I haven’t been to. I have visited or temporarily lived in 3 other countries. Glamorous? Usually. Rewarding? Absolutely. Something I feel everyone should experience? Of course. Did I work hard to get there? You better believe I did. Yes, I am also very fortunate to have a father who loves to travel and found it important for my growth so he helped cover the costs while I was still in school. But I was the one who made sure I met all the requirements to go (like good grades, getting a passport and so on). So yes, I have been given wonderful opportunities, but the key is I worked hard to make sure I received them.

Maybe the whole body of the quote doesn’t apply to you but I hope the title of this article does. Maybe you like getting tattoos and there are a bunch of people who shame you for having them (I have one such friend), well so what? It’s your life and you’re the one who has to live it. As long as it doesn’t harm anyone in any way (like using the money you were supposed to pay for rent or food or whatever to get a tattoo) then go for it.

Maybe you’re not super skinny (I know I’m not). Don’t be so hard on yourself. All of us our beautiful in our own way. Don’t let someone tell you that you need to be skinnier or tanner or blonder to be beautiful. Because that’s crap. Please love yourself enough to be yourself. I know some days I need to work on this more, but hey, I’m only human and I’m doing the best I can!
