The Trouble with Driving

I think it’s time I write a very serious post about driving. I don’t know what’s happened lately but it seems that most people have become terrible drivers. Terrible. And truth be told, I don’t think I’m the only person that thinks this- because I’ve had conversations with other people about how terrible other people are at driving.

I’m not sure if texting while driving has anything to do with it. I’m certainly not ruling that out as an option. I have passed some drivers because they were just downright scary only to see while passing them that they were busy texting away. Additionally, I think our culture has something to do with it and people are always in a hurry to get one place or another and therefore less considerate of other drivers. Now, I’m not going to lie, I do drive fast. Not because I’m ever in a hurry but because I just like driving fast- my mother was gonna be a race car driver, alright? But there are a lot of people who drive fast because they’re late or they need to go get their McDonald’s or Starbucks and they’re just rude and inconsiderate and make the road a more dangerous place for the rest of us.

A large portion of these drivers are people middle aged. People who have been driving so long that you would think they would be good drivers. Defensive drivers. They’re not yet blind and can’t see over the steering wheel or short enough they can’t reach the pedal. The worst part is that these middle-aged drivers are the ones that are teaching our new generation of drivers!

Something needs to change. I’m not sure if having a drivers test every x number of years when you have to renew your license would work or help but maybe it would be a start. This would keep granny off the road, that’s for sure. I don’t think it’s only slow or fast drivers that are the problem though. I think there is a much larger issue that I can’t quite put my finger on yet.  But believe me, there will be updates to this post once I have some more ideas.

To anyone reading this: please comment on this article and provide me with your options on what may be going on!
