Day 18: Keep Moving Forward


Some days are a struggle for reasons beyond our control.

Some days are hard to get out of bed. Or get that workout in. Or get out in service. Or whatever it is that you need/want/really don’t want to do.

There was one day after working out that my legs were killing me for some unknown reason. So the next day I went to the gym and just walked for a few miles on the treadmill because I still wanted to get some exercize in to help with this 5k I am running. Forward is forward. I wasn’t running and pushing myself, but some exercize and training was better than taking the day off.

When it comes to spiritual things I’m definitely much farther behind my friends, but with their help and encouragement I’m working towards gaining more knowledge and faith. Some days its harder to make time to thouroughly study the Bible or watch our programs but even a little bit of time spent on studying brings me closer to Jehovah. Forward is forward.

These are just two examples that are relevant to me; we all have our own challenges that require more work and such, but as long as you are trying, forward is forward. We all progress at our own rate and you cannot compare one part of your journey to someone else who is farther down the road.

I’ve also just started to appreciate recently that there is no shame in asking for help. Especially if it will help you progress on the path to your goal. There has been so much benefit to asking Julie and Chelsea if I can join their family studies that it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made- all by asking for help. And that is helping me move forward. After all, slow and steady wins the race and forward is forward.
